وظائف مهندسين مصر

We’re hiring #Civil_Business_development_Engineer-Responsible for: Prepare & submit the technical and financial proposals with the recommended solutions.-B.S.C of #Civil from a reputable universit…

عفوا باقي التفاصيل عبرالواتساب أكبر منصه للمهندسين والمقاولين علي الواتس اب 01021144440


We’re hiring #Civil_Business_development_Engineer
-Responsible for: Prepare & submit the technical and financial proposals with the recommended solutions.
-B.S.C of #Civil from a reputable university
-Must has Experience 5: 10 in consultancy engineering in the same role
-English proficiency
-Working days :5
-Working Hours :9
-Location: Dokki- Cairo.
-Full time job with Social, Medical & Life insurance
To apply Please send your resume to: jobs@namaaconsult.com with subject line: Civil Business Development Engineer

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عفوا باقي التفاصيل عبرالواتساب أكبر منصه للمهندسين والمقاولين علي الواتس اب 01021144440

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