وظائف مهندسين مصر

We are hiring a software engineer to pull off the following project:We need a chargeable card system in an elevatorMeaning we want residents to have a card and charge it daily for a specific amount of…

عفوا باقي التفاصيل عبرالواتساب أكبر منصه للمهندسين والمقاولين علي الواتس اب 01021144440


We are hiring a software engineer to pull off the following project:
We need a chargeable card system in an elevator
Meaning we want residents to have a card and charge it daily for a specific amount of money to activate the elevator
We want someone to create the system and to guide us for the needed equipment
To apply contact us at:

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عفوا باقي التفاصيل عبرالواتساب أكبر منصه للمهندسين والمقاولين علي الواتس اب 01021144440

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