وظائف مهندسين مصر

“Structural Shop Drawings Engineer” Required for Engineering Consulting Company:Experience: +4 YearsQualifications:- Bachelor’s degree in structural engineering.- Extensive experience in structural sh…

عفوا باقي التفاصيل عبرالواتساب أكبر منصه للمهندسين والمقاولين علي الواتس اب 01021144440


“Structural Shop Drawings Engineer” Required for #Engineering Consulting Company:
Experience: +4 Years
– Bachelor’s degree in structural engineering.
– Extensive experience in structural shop drawings.
– Proficient in AutoCAD Structural Detailing (ASD) and REVIT.
– Knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel.
– Strong knowledge of professional software.
Please send your #CV to:
For Alexandria residents only
Please add the job reference code in your mail subject. (Str)

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عفوا باقي التفاصيل عبرالواتساب أكبر منصه للمهندسين والمقاولين علي الواتس اب 01021144440

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