وظائف مهندسين مصر

14 Vacancies are available right now! Join our team at AFRO GROUP! We are seeking talented professionals for the following positions:1. Telecom Engineer (4-10 years experience). 2. EM Enginee…

عفوا باقي التفاصيل عبرالواتساب أكبر منصه للمهندسين والمقاولين علي الواتس اب 01021144440


14 Vacancies are available right now! ⚡️
🔸Join our team at AFRO GROUP! We are seeking talented professionals for the following positions:
1. Telecom Engineer (4-10 years experience).
2. EM Engineer (2-3 years experience)
3. EM Team Leader (4-10 years experience)
4. Office Team Leader (4-10 years experience)
5. Management (7-10 years experience)
6. Acceptance Engineer (2-10 years experience)
7. Telecom Coordinator (4-10 years experience)
8. Remedy Dispatcher (2-3 years experience)
9. CM Rigger (3-5 years experience)
10. Planned Activity Team Leader (3-5 years experience)
11. Rollout Manager (5-8 years experience)
12. Rollout Engineer (3-5 years experience)
13. MSAN Engineer (3-5 years experience)
14. warehouse keeper (3-5 years experience)
Detailed job descriptions will be provided during interviews.
-High proficiency in Microsoft Excel, Word, Outlook, and Publisher.
-Very good English skills.
-Location: All Egypt
If you’re interested, kindly send your #CV with a recent photo to jobs@afro-group.com or via WhatsApp at 01000703508.
Please mention the job title in the subject line.https://scontent.fcai22-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/450438141_883158340508431_9130668534621958057_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p526x296&_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=833d8c&_nc_ohc=WiBcEGchjGcQ7kNvgGWVjG_&_nc_ht=scontent.fcai22-2.fna&oh=00_AYBYPQmWqdigg1kwfz-IR_OhJQY9zx3ZSqs3TkxwLbbeTQ&oe=66949320

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عفوا باقي التفاصيل عبرالواتساب أكبر منصه للمهندسين والمقاولين علي الواتس اب 01021144440

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